All Announcements

v1.2 - Lead Feed

New Feature
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Reach215's biggest update yet is here! We've made some exciting changes to the dashboard including detailed lead information, Calendly integration and data export. More details below!


Lead Feed

All leads from your Reach215 campaigns will now show in the dashboard! (You'll need to enable 2 Factor Authentication, first).


Leads can be filtered by their Campaign and Status.


Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 15.59.25


Clicking on the lead will provide more detailed information, including email address, telephone number and website (if those details are available).


Clicking Lead Timeline will provide an overview of how the contact has responded to the campaign. You'll see the timing steps when the lead was sent emails, opened, replied and when it was marked as interested. If you have Calendly Integrations enabled you'll also see when they booked a meeting.


Notes have also been added to each Lead, too.



Lead Status' are now able to be edited, these can be marked as:

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 16.41.59



Calendly Integration

We've now added a Calendly integration to the Reach215 dashboard settings.


This is crucial for those campaigns utilising a Calendly booking link within the body of the email, as sometimes recipients won't reply but just book a meeting (meaning the Reach215 system won't automatically end the email sequence). With this integration, booked meetings will end the sequence.

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 16.46.28


Data Export

You can now export data as a csv file! Simply filter which status' and click Export.


Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 16.31.41


Knowledge base

Knowledge is power! We've started a knowledge base with helpful guides on Webhooks, Integrations and more.